Handling of Informative Data

Basic Policy on Informative Data

MITSUBISHI ESTATE CO., LTD. (here in after referred to as “the Company”) provides various services by using the information of Internet users obtained from websites and other sources. The Company has defined the following basic items regarding the use of such information and expresses its commitment to comply with laws and regulations and to use such information in an appropriate manner.

1.Defining Informative Data

“Informative data” is information about an individual, such as log information related to Internet usage, that does not allow for the identification of a specific individual.

2.Informative data acquisition

The Company uses “AAID/IDFA”, a terminal identification ID for advertising that can identify the terminal of the user of a smartphone application, and character information called “cookies” that can identify the computer (browser) of the Internet user by the webserver to obtain informative data of Internet users and we acquire informative data of Internet users and application users. The Company may also receive informative data from partner companies.

3.Items of informative data to be acquired and the storage period

The informative data that we will acquire are as follows
• Cookie IDs, site browsing history, search history, etc. obtained when using a web browser
• Internet advertising contact log data
• Device identification IDs for advertising, application usage history, etc. obtained when using smartphone applications
• Location data
• Purchase data
• Research Panel Data
As a general rule, the retention period of informative data acquired by the Company is limited to two years from the date of the last visit to the website by the Internet user for websites, and two years from the date of the last use for applications, as long as it is necessary for business purposes. The retention period of informative data provided by our partners is limited to the period required for business purposes by the terms of the usage agreement with the partner company.

4.Purpose of use of informative data to be obtained

We will use the informative data we obtain for the following purposes
• Provision of products and services that would match the interests and concerns of Internet users, as well as information related to these products and services
• Development and improvement of products and services
• Proposing products and services to our customers

5.How to use informative data

The FINOLAB website (here in after referred to as the “Site”) provides the Site users with a mechanism to accumulate, process, and analyze data in order to make use of Internet users’ data. The Site users use informative data obtained from Internet users’ use of the Website and applications in the following ways.

1.The Company will acquire and aggregate the URLs and referrers (URLs of websites accessed immediately prior to the website currently being viewed), titles and meta keywords (a summary of information related to the webpage being viewed) of the pages of websites visited by Internet users using their computers (browsers), and information related to their behavioral history (such as clicks on delivered video content). ), and information on behavioral history (such as clicks on delivered video content) are collected and aggregated for market analysis and marketing information. We analyze site information and Internet users and make analogies to deliver content tailored to users’ interests and attributes (estimated gender and age groups).

2.We acquire IP addresses of Internet users and location information of smartphones, and use this information to analyze the behavioral history of users within a range that does not identify specific individuals, and to distribute appropriate advertisements according to the regions where Internet users use the Internet and their interests and concerns. The date and time of Internet users’ visits to websites and the time of acquisition of smartphone location information are also acquired and used to distribute advertisements according to the date and time of visits and acquisition, to report aggregate segment results for users of this Site, and to manage the informative data storage period.

3.The Company obtains the user agent of the Internet user, and uses the computer operating system and browser/device screen information (browser language settings, character encoding settings, display area, and color depth) obtained from the user agent to deliver advertisements and content appropriate to the specifications of these systems. This information is used to deliver advertisements and content appropriate to the specifications of these systems.

6.Opting out of informative data

Disabling Cookies The computer (browser) used by the Internet user can delete the cookie issued by this Site by changing its settings. As a result, the ID information associated with the browser used by the Internet user and the informative data obtained by the Company will be deleted, and the use of the informative data can be terminated. However, this does not mean that the acquisition of informative data will be terminated, but rather that the acquisition of informative data will be newly started through subsequent use of the Internet.
You can also disable the function of cookies by changing your settings. Please note, however, that as a result, you may not be able to use all or part of the services on the website.

For information on cookies used in behavioral targeting advertising using technologies from third-party companies, please refer to the websites of the following companies
Google Analytics Opt-Out Add-On

Resetting and disabling the terminal identification ID for advertising
Smartphones can reset the “AAID/IDFA” terminal identification ID for advertising. This will delete the ID information that was associated with the informative data acquired by the Company and the smartphone used by the Internet user, thus stopping the use of informative data to date. However, this does not mean that the acquisition of informative data will be terminated, but rather that the acquisition of informative data will be newly started by subsequent Internet use. Besides, you can disable the device identification ID for advertising by changing the settings.

7.Sources and purposes of providing informative data

The Company may classify Internet users according to specific conditions such as interests, concerns, and age groups inferred from the acquired informative data, and provide information (segments) related to this classification to partner companies such as advertisement distribution companies, media companies, advertising companies, and advertisers.
The segments provided by us, alone or in combination with data held by our business partners, are used for marketing planning, advertising and promotion measures, and development and improvement of products and services.
The Company does not permit the identification of specific individuals using the segments provided by the Company without the consent of the Internet user. We will only provide segments to our partners who comply with applicable laws and regulations and the standards we have established.

8.Personal information

Please click here for our “Privacy Policy“. We do not collect any personal information when we collect informative data, and we have an agreement with our service users not to collect any personal information.
We also manage the acquired informative data in such a way that it cannot be cross-checked with any other information (including, but not limited to, personal information) held by us, other than the data that constitutes this Site.

9.Revision of this page

We will continuously review and improve our information management infrastructure to maintain an appropriate level of handling and protection of personal information in light of the requests of our business partners and changes in social conditions. In this process, we may revise the contents of this page. In the event of a revision, the Company will notify Internet users of the revised content at an appropriate time on this website, on a website managed by the Company, or in a manner deemed appropriate by the Company. The revised content of this page shall be applied as of the effective date separately determined by the Company.

10.Security management measures for informative data

To prevent unauthorized access, leakage, loss, or damage (including loss, destruction, falsification, etc.) of informative data, the Company shall take security control measures under strict management, and shall continuously review and improve the contents and methods of such measures. The content and methods of such measures will be reviewed on an ongoing basis, and efforts will be made to correct and improve them.