Terms of use for this site

This website was established, is managed, and is operated by MITSUBISHI ESTATE CO., LTD. (here in after collectively referred to as the “Company”). Please read the following site policy carefully before using this website. Please note that this policy may be revised without prior notice in response to the need for further improvement.

About Links

If you wish to link to our site, you must obtain our prior approval.
• However, links to the following sites are not permitted.
• Links from sites that may slander or damage the credibility of the Company’s business, services, etc.
• Links from sites that contain content that is offensive to public order and morals
• Links from sites that post illegal content, are involved in illegal activities, or may have been involved in illegal activities
• Links for business activities or commercial purposes, or links to prepare for such activities
• Links that frame or otherwise obscure the identity of the Company’s content
• Links from sites where the administrator/operator of the site is unknown, the site is operated under a pseudo name, or the site is operated by proxy.
In addition, even if our site is linked to a site operated by someone other than the Mitsubishi Estate Group, we have no special relationship with the individual or organization operating that site, nor do we endorse that site. Even if we have granted permission to link to a site, we may request that the site be deleted at our discretion.


The copyright to the Company’s website and the text, photographs, illustrations, and other copyrighted materials posted on the Company’s website (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Contents”) belongs to the Company or the provider of the Contents.
These contents may not be reprinted, reproduced, sold, lent, or otherwise used without the permission of the Company, except when used for personal purposes or when permitted by copyright laws. For content provided by content providers on the Company’s website, the permission of the relevant content provider is also required. Problems may also arise depending on the purpose and method of use of the content, even when permitted by copyright laws.

About cookies

Some parts of our website use cookies, but the cookies sent from our website do not contain any information that can identify you personally. When using our site, you can choose whether or not to accept cookies by setting your browser, but please note that if you refuse to accept cookies, some of the content on the site may not be displayed or other inconveniences may occur.